
*Rene’ House

I was saved in VBS at Underwood Baptist Church when I was 10 years old or so. I have a Bible packed away somewhere with the exact date on it. I remember thinking the altar call was for me. As I grew I went to church every time my parents would take me,  and on Wednesday nights to Pertersville Church of Christ on a church van, to Salam Church of Christ with my grandfather, and  Macedonia with a friend, and when I was able to drive to Underwood Baptist every Sunday.  I say all that to say I greatly desired to be at church.  For a time after high school I did not keep God important in my life and tried to make my own way in the world. I made some messes!

 David and I lived several places after we started having children, each place we moved to I immediately started looking for a church. We wanted to raise our children in church and I have always felt welcome at church.  We have visited some churches to talk about in the past…. I remember one church we visited we were the first ones out the door when the service was over, let’s just say it was a lively service!  Over the years I have attended some churches that helped me draw close to God and some that fulfilled my need to serve. At Kirby Woods Baptist in Memphis I desired for the first time to really be real with God.  I wanted to be totally forgiven for my past like Jesus said but I just could not feel forgiven. I always felt like I had things to hide and if the people I enjoyed worshiping and growing with just knew me for real they would invite me to leave. It was a loving church and until I came to Pleasant Hill it was the closest I have felt to God.  I remember one Sunday being overwhelmed with gratitude to God and feeling the need to put my wedding ring in the offering plate. I heard God say to me give me your marriage.  At that time I did not understand and thought myself silly only to find David and I had some rocky times after that. During our rocky times I remember recalling that moment at church.  God has done that for me several times through the years—given me a picture of what my life will be like if I continue down a road or a nudge about issues that need to be looked at in my life. I now know to take notice.

When I came to Pleasant Hill I found such a loving church.  Being here made me hungry to learn more and to understand everything God has for me to understand. The closer I go to God the more satan kept telling me if they only knew your past they would ask you to leave.  But one Sunday I felt a great need to get rid of satan.  I asked to speak at church and just laid the issues of my past that satan kept throwing at me out in front of my church family, my children and my parents (David already knew).  I wanted to be free and forgiven more than I cared about the outcome of everyone knowing what I was capable of on my own. When I finished I was free!  Yes, it makes me sad to know what Rene’ is like without God but it pales in comparison to the Happiness, Joy and Peace of freedom in Christ!  My salvation started at around 10 years old but it took me most of my life time to feel saved. I think I can say I know what “Work out your own salvation with Fear and trembling” Philippians 2:12 looks like to some degree.   Now my priority is my relationship with God and everything comes after that. God bless!

One Response to “4/11/17”

  1. Mary says:

    I Love you. You are the strongest woman I know. God does great things through you and your family.
