
Evelyn’s Story

        I began attending a Baptist church in the early 60’s in Russellville.  I lived In a foster home.  I was a teenager and while attending I gave my life to Jesus and was baptized.

        After I got my driver’s license, I moved back to TN for a couple of years.  Then I moved back to AL and lived in Phil Campbell.  I worked at a pant’s factory and met L.T. Kelley.  We married in 1969.  Then my children started arriving – Jackie in 1971, Jon in 1973, and Trisha in 1975.

        In 1975. we moved to the house in this area ‘house in the hollow’.  I started looking for a church to attend and visited several.  Bro. Benny Cosper visited me and invited me to visit here.  I felt loved and welcomed and loved it from the beginning.  I joined here and have been here ever since.   I consider this my family and love serving here.

One Response to “3/31/17”

  1. Rene' House says:

    We are so blessed to have you at Pleasant Hill! Your service is so very tasty for all!! We love you Evelyn!!! God bless