
* Cathy Broadfoot Everett



Mark 10 14-16



“Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong.  Yes Jesus loves me!”


  I am so blessed to have grown up at Pleasant Hill all of my life.  As a toddler I was in the beginner’s class of Mrs. Lena McIntyre (age 3 or 4) there I learned that Miss Lena loved me

and that Jesus loved me too.

   In older classes I learned about sin and our need of a savior, and that God had sent His son

Jesus to die for our sins. I asked Jesus to come into my heart several years before children my

age were allowed to be baptized. I was baptized by Travis Lee Darby during summer revival (about the age of 10?)  I think sometimes we make salvation way to complicated when it comes to children.

   The older I get, and the more time I spend reading my Bible and in prayer, the simpler my

understanding becomes.

   God is love and Jesus died for my sins and I am forgiven, So how can I not want to share that love and grace to others? My prayer is to become more like Him

One Response to “3/21/17”

  1. Rene' House says:

    Thank you so much Cathy for sharing! You have a sweet spirit and you so well show Jesus to those visiting our church! God bless you for all you do!!