
*Tyler Rutherford

My salvation story is not a normal one. I was “saved” as a young child but I never changed my life. I grew up, in church and never was a “bad egg”.

As I became an adult I started to live in the ways of the world. For 5 or 6 years of my life I lived without regard for God or the people around me.


I believe God was with me all along the way, even though I never cared. It was only after my last visit to jail when I only could read the Bible while locked up, did I finally started to think that this life wasn’t worth living without God.


A day or two after I got, out of jail I sat on a porch and cried to God That I didn’t wanna live this way anymore. I felt no change instantly, but as days went by I felt more and more inclined to live a better life.


God had changed me and sent people in my life to pull me to church and to push me Godward.


I thank God everyday for my salvation. Although I didn’t “recite a prayer” God changed me, once your soul cries out for Him salvation is yours and life is different!!!!!

One Response to “3/20/17”

  1. Rene' House says:

    God bless you Tyler! Thank you so much for sharing!!! We are so blessed to have you as part of our body of Christ, thank you for all you do keeping the techno part running!