
*Marie Jones

Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

I was raised going to church every Sunday with my parents and siblings.  I enjoyed seeing friends, liked my Sunday School Classes and the entire church atmosphere.

About the age of 12 I began feeling an inner discomfort that made “preaching time” miserable to me.  I know I needed to ask Jesus into my heart, but did not want to publically admit I had sinned.

My mother and my Sunday school teacher Mrs. Rena McGill both talked to me about being saved.  It seemed the more that was said to me the more stubborn I become.

This went on for some time until one Wednesday morning the first week of August during our annual two day revival sermons I finally could not stand still any longer!  The congregation had just finished singing “I surrender All” and started singing “It is well with my Soul” when I found myself walking to the altar.  I can remember my pastor Bro. Walter Martin asking why I was smiling! I replied “It is well with my Soul”.

This was a very easy walk that I had dreaded.  That surrender was still something I must do very often as I still can be stubborn.

Through my ups and downs in my Christian walk, I find if I do as the Holy Spirit leads me I have less problems. When I obey those nudges I find the answers I need and things go much smoother.

Accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior is the best decision I have ever made!

Prayer:  Thank you Jesus for saving my soul and making something beautiful of my life. AMEN

2 Responses to “3/16/17”

  1. Rene' House says:

    Marie I can just see you there smiling at the altar! Thank you so much for sharing! There is truth in there for all of us!! God bless

  2. Laura says:

    Marie, thank you so much for sharing. God
    Bless you.