
*Danny Frederick

My name is Danny Frederick and I would like to share my story of how Jesus saved me.  The date of my salvation was March 29, 1972.  We had been building a house and the two men that were building our house were William McGee and John Butler.  These two men had a big part in my salvation.  While we were building the house they would witness to me about Jesus and living for Him.  At that time I was going to Pleasant Hill Church, but I had not given my life to Christ.  We had gone to a youth lead revival at Pleasant Hill Church on Easter Sunday March 29, 1970.  A young man by the name of Gene Fulmer was speaking.  I had known Gene for a long time and I could see the change that had come over him since he had accepted Jesus as his Savior.  As he spoke I could see that my life was not where it should be.  I was not a bad person, but I did not have Jesus in my heart.  I just had not made that commitment.  We went back that Sunday night to hear Gene speak again.  When he gave the altar call I could not wait to get there.  I don’t know if I walked or ran.  I just know that I was at the altar, asking Jesus to come into my heart and forgive me of my sins.  I know without a doubt that Jesus forgave me of my sins and that He lives in my heart.  I went home that night and picked up our new born son of 17 days and I told him that he had a new daddy.  When you give Jesus your heart you do become a new person.  I thank God for that day and him saving my soul.   I have tried to live for Christ every day since that day.  Am I where I need or where I want to be? No, but I am on a mission every day to try to be a better Christian and live for Him that when life’s journey is over for me; my reward will be to go home with my Savior Jesus Christ. AMEN.

May God bless you and may God Bless Pleasant Hill Church.

One Response to “3/15/17”

  1. Rene' House says:

    Thank you for sharing! We are so blessed you are a part of our body of Christ and I just know you have been that man to help share the gospel in someone else’s life! God bless!