
* Jan Fulmer

John 13: 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.


Jesus spoke these words after washing the disciples’ feet.  He wanted them to know that following him included serving others with love and the message of salvation.


My salvation story is not a one – time revelation, but one of growth and taking self out of the picture.

I was reared in a Christian home and attended church faithfully my whole life.  At the age of twelve, I asked Jesus into my heart and was baptized through sprinkling. I continued being what I call a “faithful Christian” throughout the following years.  I was even immersed so I could be more like Jesus. 


It wasn’t until I went on the Emmaus Walked that I experienced what true salvation was to me

. Service

. That was when I had my aha moment.  Dying to self and thinking and doing for others in Jesus’ name was what made the most sense to me as a follower of Jesus. Yes, charity and service begins at home, but God wants us to carry these into the world to share with others.


Following Jesus is not hard to do. Implementing the ways of Jesus can sometimes be unpleasant and demanding. My prayer is that I will obey when service to someone else is needed.


Prayer: Loving Father, thank you for sending your Son to show us how to live and be of service to others. Help us to always be mindful of their needs. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

One Response to “4/3/17”

  1. Rene' House says:

    Thank you Jan for reminding us we have to continually abide in our salvation! Thank you for sharing! God bless!