Lent 2018


Lent is the 40 days before Easter, not including Sundays. It is a time set a part to give consideration to the 40 days Jesus spent fasting and being tested by satan in the desert before He began his ministry. Even Jesus set Himself apart for a time on several occasions to call on and be strengthen by God as an example to us that in our busy lives. We need focused time with God to live in this lost and broken world.



Feb 15
This is the story that will always be with me. When I was a teenager I was scared to ask questions. I knew that I wanted to be baptized but was scared to ask. One night my youth ministry ask me was I save and I didn’t know how to answer him and he could tell I was worried and he told me I will know when the time was right. That next week I told my pastor I was ready to be baptized but I was scared because I would have to take my hearing aids out and would not be able to hear him. He looked me in the eyes and said yes you will be able to hear because God will help. And guess what? I heard every words that night. That was a very special night for me and I knew God was there for me. Favorite verse Trust in the Lord with all your heart (Prov, 3:5)