Lent 2018


Lent is the 40 days before Easter, not including Sundays. It is a time set a part to give consideration to the 40 days Jesus spent fasting and being tested by satan in the desert before He began his ministry. Even Jesus set Himself apart for a time on several occasions to call on and be strengthen by God as an example to us that in our busy lives. We need focused time with God to live in this lost and broken world.



February 21st

Proverbs 3:6  “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”

That verse has always been part of my beliefs. Knowing that as long as I seek after Him, He will lead me where I need to be. This has never been more evident than in the months after my husband passed. 

We have always been active in a church, always felt apart of what God was doing among His people. Trying to grow and be more of what He wanted us to be. But as my husband’s health began to fail it became increasingly difficult to be faithful to church. I began to feel alone and out of place. That feeling grew after he passed.  I felt like the church let me down and I was angry at them and God.

For a while I visited churches searching for a reconnection, but I always left feeling empty.  And then one day a teenager invited my granddaughter to a youth class on Wednesday night.  She was excited about the experience, came home telling everyone how this church felt different from others.

To the point…..we visited, felt welcomed, loved and accepted. I knew that God had been at work in all of our lives. He worked in ways that cannot be explained. He gave me that peace I had been searching for and that feeling of belonging.

And you know the rest of the story…the Elkins are in the building.

 Gwyn Jones