Lent 2018


Lent is the 40 days before Easter, not including Sundays. It is a time set a part to give consideration to the 40 days Jesus spent fasting and being tested by satan in the desert before He began his ministry. Even Jesus set Himself apart for a time on several occasions to call on and be strengthen by God as an example to us that in our busy lives. We need focused time with God to live in this lost and broken world.



February 22nd

Jeremiah 33:3 ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

Romans 10:17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.

Have you ever seen God work in your life? We probably all have, whether we realized it or not.  Beginning a little over a year ago, God began a work of ministry in my life.  I am convinced this ministry started with His divine plan and timing.  I was at an uncertain place with some aspects of my life.  At the time, I thought maybe I was supposed to look at other avenues regarding my everyday life.  I wasn’t even sure remaining a teacher was what God wanted for me.  I felt a sense that I was possibly supposed to be a youth pastor.  So I began to pray about it and ask God for clarification and guidance.  God began to give me His plan through the faithfulness of another Christian at school.  The assistant principal asked if I would be interested in restarting the FCA group at school.  It was because of the faithfulness of this man that God’s plan was set in motion.  God revealed to me that He did want me to be a youth pastor, just not in the way I had thought.  God wanted me to minister to youth through the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  As the months have passed and God has worked through the FCA group, I have felt His presence and seen youth and adults touched in ways that only He could.  The FCA ministry has become a passion for me.  I know it’s where I’m supposed to be right now.  I have faith and confidence that God is going to continue to do awesome things through this group.  I have definitely been reminded that God will and does work in our lives.  I called on Him through prayer and He began to answer.  It’s definitely not lost on me the role that my assistant principal played in all of this.  God wants us to be faithful and call on Him for guidance and understanding.  I called on God in prayer. He called on my principal, who then called on me.  And ever since, God has been doing great things through the FCA ministry.  God bless!

Bryan Haddock