Lent 2018


Lent is the 40 days before Easter, not including Sundays. It is a time set a part to give consideration to the 40 days Jesus spent fasting and being tested by satan in the desert before He began his ministry. Even Jesus set Himself apart for a time on several occasions to call on and be strengthen by God as an example to us that in our busy lives. We need focused time with God to live in this lost and broken world.



March 5th




Bible reading–Jeremiah 27:11-13

                          Jeremiah 24:7


Having grown up in church here at Pleasant Hill with my great big family, I learned about Faith & Hope & Love.

From the age of about 3 or 4 in Miss Lena McIntyre’s Sunday School class I learned the song “Jesus Loves Me”.  That little song has been what I held on to during many deaths, cancer, and hardships, but God has taught me the gift of perseverance.  Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted (Matt. 5:4).

It took me many years to learn that getting through life was not a self-help program.  I tried being good enough, smart enough or having enough. “Looking good on the outside but dying inside.  I had no joy or peace!”

But God had a different plan.  Over many years now I have known that He was drawing me back to Him with my whole heart.  He has put so many wonderful teachers in to my life.  He knew exactly what I needed to experience, who I needed to meet and whose voice I could hear and learn from, such as  Joyce Meyers, David Jeremiah, Prayer Group, Emmaus walks and families, small groups,  the voices of nature, the quietness and solitude and time with God here in Waterloo!  He has always known me and exactly what I needed.

          Less Martha= More like Mary.

          Less of me= More Him.

          Less fear= More peace.

          Less baggage and material stuff!=More love of others, joy, happiness and the wonderful blessing of our beautiful church family, new families and sweet babies and growing children and new buildings for them and more mercy and amazing grace for all.  Yes, Jesus loves me!  I am so blessed.


Cathy Everett